Radiant Water Lily McKee Botanical Gardens Fine Art Nature Photography

Hello everyone! I am thrilled to share with you my latest artwork, titled "Radiant Water Lily." This piece is a true labor of love, showcasing a vibrant water lily in all its beauty.

Radiant Water Lily

Radiant Water Lily is a stunning depiction of Fine Art Nature Photography that has a vibrant water lily floating gracefully on a tranquil water surface.

McKee Radiant Water Lily c2020 | Florida | Learn More

This artwork was created using acrylic, resulting in a stunning image that is sure to captivate viewers. The water lily itself features a stunning array of colors, from pale blue to intense yellows and whites at its center. The surrounding lily pads and water surface create a sense of depth and realism, with hints of fish swimming below adding to the natural environment.

I was inspired to create this artwork by the beauty of nature and the intricate details found in flowers like the water lily. The process of creating this piece was truly unique, as I focused on capturing the textures and colors of the flower in a hyper-realistic way, while also emphasizing the contrast between the flower and its surroundings.

Fine Art Nature Photography

This hyper-realistic artwork captivates viewers with its rich textures and contrasting colors, drawing the eye to the exquisite details of the water lily and its surroundings.

McKee Radiant Water Lily c2020 | Florida | Learn More

"Radiant Water Lily" is a piece that I am incredibly proud of, and I hope that it brings joy and inspiration to all who view it. Thank you for joining me on this artistic journey, and I look forward to sharing more of my creations with you in the future.


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